All residency applicants must familiarise themselves with the rules and instructions for the residency programme. By submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges that he or she has read the rules and instructions and agrees to comply with them upon receiving a residence place.
Serlachius Residenssin työryhmä käsittelee hakemukset luottamuksella: mitään hakijan ilmoittamia tietoja ei anneta ulkopuolisille. Residenssiin työskentelemään valittujen työsuunnitelmat arkistoidaan pysyvästi. Ei-valituksi tulleiden hakemuksia säilytetään haetun residenssikauden loppuun asti.
The decisions of the residency working group are final; the working group does not justify its decisions, and they cannot be appealed. If so desiring, the residency working group may invite individuals for a residency independently of the search process too. All those invited must agree to comply with the same rules as those selected through the search process.
The residence agreement
Residenssihakijan saatua myöntävän päätöksen, hänelle on varattu työhuone sekä asuinhuone residenssin omista tai muusta residenssityöryhmän valitsemasta paikasta. Residenssivaraus vahvistetaan kirjallisella sopimuksella.
Time schedules
The exact arrival date must be reported one month before the residency period begins. Any other relevant changes occurring before or during the residency period must be reported. If applicant is forced to cancel the granted residency position, we request that the position be cancelled in good time, no later than three months in advance. The artist ist liable for a hundred-euro penalty fee for cancellations, which are not done earlier than thirty days prior to the start of the granted period. A sick leave certification issued by an approved medical doctor exempts from the penalty fee. In the event of a cancellation, the working group will award the free place to an applicant who has been granted a reserve position or person the working group finds suited for this. If the applicant does not arrive at the residency in time and has not given a notice on a delay, he or she will loose his/her position in 24 hours.
Conditions for holders of residencies
The applicant and, for teams, the person in charge of the group and all of its other members, must have reached the age of majority under the laws of their home country. There is no upper age limit. The applicant must have adequate skills of Finnish or English language in order to cope in every-day communication and work environment. There are no restrictions as to the composition of a team or the number of individuals it comprises. However, the applicant must take constraints pertaining to the residential and work premises into account during the application phase. The application must be made by the applicant indicated, who must be a private individual. Residing at Serlachius Residency can only be temporary, i.e. official address of residence must be somewhere else.
Galleries or other institutions, associations, other organisations, or the equivalent may not apply for a residency on others’ behalf. However, a private individual may represent any of the above-mentioned parties during the residency period.
Galleries or other institutions, associations, other organisations, or the equivalent may not apply for a residency on others’ behalf. However, a private individual may represent any of the above-mentioned parties during the residency period.
Huomioithan, että Serlachius Residenssi on avoin taiteilijoille, jotka matkustavat perheensä kanssa.
Serlachius Residenssi soveltuu myös pyörätuolia käyttävälle.
Each applicant is personally responsible for ensuring that all necessary travel, health, personal property, and other insurance policies as well as travel documents are up to date. The Serlachius residency programme agrees to issue any statements and certificates needed for insurance policies and travel documents.
Costs and final report
Residenssiasunnosta ja työtiloista ei peritä vuokraa. Vuokran sijaan asukkailta edellytetään vähintään yhden A4 pituista (n. 2 000 merkkiä) kirjallista raporttia oleskelustaan ja työskentelystään Mäntässä. Raporttiin voi liittää myös kuvia tai videoita. Raportti on toimitettava Serlachius Residenssille viimeistään kuukauden kuluttua residenssijakson päättymisestä. Mikäli raporttia ei toimiteta määräaikaan mennessä, peritään residenssiasunnosta ja työtilojen käytöstä käyttövuokraa takautuvasti jälkikäteen. Vuokran määrä on jokaiselta täysi-ikäiseltä residenssivieraalta 300 € / kk.
Serlachius Residenssillä on oikeus käyttää raporttia ilman korvausta oman toimintansa tiedotukseen, markkinointiin ja tutkimukseen. Käytön yhteydessä raportin tekijä on mainittava poikkeuksetta. Loppuraportti arkistoidaan pysyvästi yhdessä työsuunnitelman kanssa.
If, during the residency period, you work on an exhibition, publication or thesis, we kindly wish that you mention the Serlachius Residency’s support in, for example, any press release or foreword. We recommend the use of the residency logo in these contexts.
The residency-holder is personally responsible for all other expenses, such as travel, material, and living costs. Fellow travellers reported on the application form or overnight guests agreed on beforehand shall not be charged a fee for accommodation or use of the premises. In other respects, they are personally responsible for all of their expenses.
Serlachius Residenssi sitoutuu toimittamaan asukkaalle pyynnöstä rahoitushakemuksia varten vaadittavat lausunnot ja todistukset.
General regulations on use of the premises
Residents must take good care of the premises and ensure their general cleanliness. After the end of the residency period, the premises must be handed in the condition in which they were accepted, i.e. cleaned up and tidy.
The resident is entitled to have guests, but any longer visits must be reported to the contact person for the residence. The conditions and rules for the residency apply to all guests also, and the holder of the residency is responsible for ensuring that the guests are aware of them. This also applies to any persons the resident may employ in projects. The resident is obliged to report any damage to objects or premises that he or she or a guest causes, immediately.
The resident is obliged to report any damage to objects or premises that he or she or a guest causes, immediately.
The resident is responsible for compensating for any damage caused through his or her negligence.
We hope that residents will inform the staff at the residence if they embark on a journey that extends to more than one night during their residence period. We also hope that residents can be reached, by telephone or via e-mail, at least once a day during the museum’s business hours – between 8am and 4pm – on weekdays.
The residential and work premises shall be inspected after the residency period has expired. In the event of any serious neglect in cleaning and sanitation on the part of the resident, the residence personnel are entitled to charge the resident for all costs arising from the cleaning, such as a cleaner's wages. The personnel must present any claims for compensation for damage caused to the property, equipment, and the equivalent within two weeks from the end of the residency period.