The residency operates responsibly
- Serlachius Residenssille vastuu ympäristöstä on sydämen asia. Päämääränämme minimoida tuotettujen jätteiden määrä ja negatiiviset ympäristövaikutukset.
- Our environmental work is guided by the international environmental standard ISO 14001. We continuously evaluate and improve our operations to achieve our environmental and responsibility goals. The aim is to reduce the adverse environmental impact of operations as far as economically possible and with the help of available technology and information.
- Serlachius Residenssin ympäristöpäämäärät nojaavat Serlachiuksen ympäristöpolitiikkaan ja valittuihin, merkittäviksi katsottuihin ympäristönäkökohtiin. Elinkaariajattelu ja vastuullisuus ovat toimintaamme ohjaavia tekijöitä.
- We promote prosperity, human rights and equality.
- Local well-being is important to us. In our product and service purchases, we favor local players as well as organic and local products. We work closely with local actors and residents of the residence are encouraged to do community projects.
- The residence has recycling points for paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, glass and hazardous waste. We utilize recycled materials in our workshops and exhibition structures.
- We save energy. The gallery's exhibition lighting has shifted to energy-saving LED luminaires. Air source heat pumps have been purchased to support heating
- We prefer muscular exercise. Our guests have access to emission-free mobility equipment, such as bicycles. We recommend the use of public transport for our guests.